Out of the Indian approach to life there came a great freedom, an intense and absorbing respect for life, enriching faith in a Supreme Power, and principles of truth, honesty, generosity, equity, and brotherhood as a guide to mundane relations.

Below are links to several pages of Native American Lore and Legends from several Tribes from across the nation. On the pages you will go to, there will be a link to get you back to this Master Index page. I hope you enjoy them all and tell your fellow scouts about them.
Also, if you have a story of Native Americn Lore and/or Legend and would like to have it posted here, send it to me with as much information about the Lore or Legend that you can, and I will post it with others found here.

Navtive American Lore


Return to the Troop 259 Home Page


Indian Lore Merit Badge

List of Stories on Page One

List of Stories on Page Two

List of Stories on Page Three

List of Stories on Page Four

List of Stories on Page Five


List of Stories to be placed
on this website in the near future.

List of Stories on Page Six

List of Stories on Page Seven

List of Stories on Page Eight

List of Stories on Page Nine

List of Stories on Page Ten

Indian Lore Merit Badge

If, you are interested in earning the Indian Lore Merit Badge, I have placed below a list of the requirements needed to earn this Merit Badge, plus I have placed a "Link" to the Indian Lore Merit Badge Worksheet.

Worksheet for your Indian Lore Merit Badge

Indian Lore Merit Badge Requirements

1) Give the history of one American Indian tribe, group, or nation that lives or has lived near you. Visit it, if possible. Tell about traditional dwellings, way of life, tribal government, religious beliefs, family and clan relationships, language, clothing styled, arts and crafts, food preparation, means of getting around, games, customs in warfare, where members of the group now live, and how they live.

2) Do TWO of the following:
A) Make and item of clothing worn by members of the tribe.
B) make and decorate three items approved by your counselor used by the tribe.
C) Make and authentic model of a dwelling used by any Indian tribe, group, or nation.
D) Visit a museum to see Indian artifacts. Discuss them with your counselor. Identify at least ten artifacts by tribe or nation, their shape, size and use.

3) Do ONE of the following:
A) Learn three games played by a group or tribe. Teach and lead one game with a Scout group.
B) Learn and show how a tribe traditionally cooked or prepared food. Make three food items.
C) Give a demonstration showing how a specific Indian group traditionally hunted, fished, or trapped.

4) Do ONE of the following:
A) Write or briefly describe how life would have been different for the European settlers if there had been no Indians to meet them when they came to this continent.
B) Sing two songs in an Indian language. Explain their meaning.
C) Learn in an Indian language at least twenty-five common terms and their meanings. D) Show twenty-five signs in Indian sigh language. Include those that will help you ask for water, food, and where the path or road leads.
E) Learn in English (or in the language you commonly speak at home or in the troop) an Indian story of at least three hundred words, or any number of shorter ones adding up to three hundred words. Tell the story or stories at a Scout meeting or campfire.
F) Write or tell about eight things adopted by others from American Indians.
G) Learn twenty-five Indian place-names. Tell their origins and meanings.
H) Name five well-known American Indian leaders, either from the past or people of today. Give their tribes or nations. Describe what they did or do now that makes them notable.
I) Learn about the Iroquois Confederacy, including how and why it was formed. Tell about its governing system, and its importance to the framers of our Constitution of the United States.

List of Stories on Page One

01. Buffalo and the Mouse    02. Origin of the Buffalo Dance - Blackfoot     03. Comrades   
04. The Raccoon and the Bee-Tree    05. Big Long Mans Corn Patch     06. How Coyote Stole Fire   
07. The Frog and the Crane    08. The Falcon and the Duck    09. How Fly Saved the River - Anishnabeg;   
10. Geow-lud-mo-sis-eg : Little People - Maliseet;   

Go to the Stories on Page One

List of Stories on Page Two

11. How Glooskap Found the Summer - Algonquin;    12. The Origin of Light - Inuit    13. The Magic Arrows   
14. The Runnawaysnbsp   15. The Legend of Wountie - Squamish    16. The Snake with the Big Feet   
17. Ravens Great Adventure    18. Porcupine Hunts Buffalo    19. The Legend of the Bear Family   
20. Coyote and the Rolling Rock   

Go to the Stories on Page Two

List of Stories on Page Three

21. MicMac Creation Story - Mic Mac    22. How Bear Lost His Tail    23. Ableegumooch, the Lazy Rabbit - Algonquin   
24. Buffalo and Eagle Wing    25. Coyote and Multnomah Falls     26. The Hungry Fox and His Boastful Suitor   
27. Raven and His Grandmother    28. Blessed Gift of Joy is Bestowed Upon Man   
29. Yellowstone Valley and the Great Flood - Cheyenne    30. Origin of the Lakotas Peace Pipe - Lakota   

Go to the Stories on Page Three

List of Stories on Page Four

31. Mooin, The Bear's Child - Algonquin    32. The Buffalo Dance - Mandan    33. Bluebird and the Coyote   
34. Apache Creation Lore - Apache    35. The Origin of Earth - Tuskegee    36. How the Old Man Made People   
37. Origin of the Iroquois Nation - Iroquois    38. Spider Rock - Dine/Navajo    39. Eagle Stories    40. Rabbit and Fox   

Go to the Stories on Page Four

List of Stories on Page Five

41. Grandfather Stories    42. California Creation Lore Yokut    43. When the Animals and Birds were Created - Makah   
44. Men Visit the Sky - Seminole    45. Origin of Medicine Men - Passamaquoddy   
46. Yellow Jacket and Ant - NezPrece/Nee-me-Poo    47. Coyote and the Monster of Kamiah - NezPrece/Nee-me-Poo   
48. Mt. Shasta Grizzly Legend     49. The Buffalo Rock    50. In the Beginning   

Go to the Stories on Page Five

List of Stories to be placed on this website in the near future.

51. Buffalo Woman, a Story of Magic Caddo    52. How the Buffalo Hunt Began - Cheyenne    53. How the Buffalo Were Released on Earth    54. Bear Legend - Cherokee    55. Puma and the Bear    56. Chipmunk and Bear   
57. The White Faced Bear;    58. Coyote and the Another One;    59. Creation of the First Indians - Chelan;   
60. Creation of the Red and White Races    61. How Rabbit Brought Fire to the People   
62. The First Fire - Cherokee    63. The Story of Creation - Diguenos   
64. The Great Flood - Salish    65. How the Hopi Indians Reached Their World - Hopi    66. The Hunting of the Great Bear    
67. The Coyote and the Hen - Mayan    68. In the Beginning - Yuchi    69. The Ancient One   
70. Godasiyo the Woman Chief Seneca    71. The First Moccasins     72. The Flood on Superstition Mountain - Pima   
73. How Corn Came to the Earth    74. How the Great Chiefs Made the Moon and the Sun - Hopi   
75. Why Mount Shasta Erupted - Shasta    76. Men Visit the Sky - Seminole    77. Origin of Fire Jicarilla - Apache   
78. Coyote and the Monsters of the Bitterroot Valley - Flathead    79. How Rabbit Fooled Alligator Creek   
80. The Origin of Game and of Corn - Cherokee    81. Coyote Kills a Giant    
82. The Origin of Medicine Cherokee    83. The Origin of Summer and Winter - Acoma/Laguna   
; 84. Origin of the Animals Jicarilla-Apache    85. Origin of the Buffalo - Cheyenne    86. Coyote's Adventures in Idaho    
87. How Rabbit Fooled Wolf     88. Origin of the Clans - Hopi    89. Origin of the Sweat Lodge - Blackfeet/Piegan   
90. The Origin of the Thunderbird - Passamaquoddy    91. The Origin of the Winds - Aleuts   
92. Coyote vs. Duck     93. Turtle's Race With Bear - Seneca     94. How the Rabbit Lost His Tail    
95. Battle With the Snakes - Iroquois    96. Origin of Tu-Tok-A-Nu-La Yosemite    97. The Origin of Yosemite - Miwok   
98. At The Rainbow's End - Dine/Navajo    99. Seek Your Father - Seneca    100. The Strange Origin of Corn - Abnaki   
101. The Warm Wind Brothers vs. The Cold Wind Brothers     102. Coyote's Salmon - Sanpoils   
103. Rabbit and Otter, The Bungling Host    104. Why the North Star Stands Still - Paiute   
105. Rabbit and the Moon Man - Micmac    106. Fire Race - Karuk    107. Rabbit Calls a Truce   
108. The Man and the Ravens - Anishinabe    109. Rabbit and The Coyote    110. Rabbit shoots the Sun   
111. Great Serpent and the Great Flood - Chippewa    112. Skunk Outwits Coyote    113. Run, Rabbit, Run   
114. Why the Opussum's Tail Is Bare - Cherokee    115. Two Fawns and a Rabbit    116. The Story of Jumping Mouse   
117. The White Potato Clan - Creek    118. Tahina-Ca Caraja, - South America    119. The Twin Brothers - Caddo    
120. Grandmother Spider Steals the Fire - Choctaw     121. Old Man at the Beginning - Crow   
122. Race with Buffalo - Cheyenne     123. Bears' Lodge - Kiowa    
124. The Four Brothers, or Inyanhoksila - (Stone Boy) Sioux   
125. The Unktomi (Spider), Two Widows, And The Red Plums - Sioux    
126. The Great Flood - Ottawa     127. Cricket and Cougar Alta and Baja Tribes of California    
128. Ghost of the White Deer - Chickasaw     129. The Resuscitation Of The Only Daughter Sioux    
130. Origin Of Our Tribal Flower, The Trailing Arbutus - Ottawa    131. Dance of the Dead Luiseño    
132. Little People of the Cherokee Cherokee    133. Warriors of the Rainbow   
134. Tatanka Hunkesi : The Wisdom of Experience - Sioux    135. The Hunter & The Dakwa - Cherokee   
136. Origin of Tobacco - Crow and Hidatsa    137. THE PET DONKEY - Sioux   
140. Legend of the Cedar Tree - Cherokee    141. The Wolf Dance   
142. Hero with the Horned Snakes - Cherokee    143. Return of Ice Man - Cherokee   
148. The Origin of Strawberries - Cherokee    149. THE MYSTERIOUS BUTTE - Sioux   


Troop 259

Copyright © 2006 - Boy Scout Troop 259